Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Another Joyful Day!!!!

It is with tremendous joy that I, Cayce, introduce our new niece, Logan Avery! Logan was born this afternoon at 4:30 weighing 7 lbs 4 oz and measuring 20 inches. Brittney is doing well but is quite exhausted. The one and only picture I have of Logan was sent to me on my cell phone. She is beautiful, of course, and has dark hair. I can't wait to meet her! God is good!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Joyful Day!!!!

It is with tremendous joy that I, Cayce, introduce our new nephew, Preston Cale! Preston was born this afternoon at 2:40 weighing 7 lbs 12.9 oz and measuring 20 1/2 inches. Lindsey is doing well but is quite exhausted. Preston is such a cute baby, and we are excited that he is finally here! God is good!

The new Grand-parents with Preston.

Brad, lets see if your practicing paid off!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Three Stooges and Baby Showers

The Sunday after Christmas, the whole family (including the three stooges) went over to visit Wayne. Wayne is Cayce's great uncle (her father's uncle). He had some special gifts to give the two new babies, and we also had a Christmas gift for him. Matthew, Brad, and Jason took their seats next to the fireplace, and we all talked for a couple of hours. Right before we left, we took a few pictures. It was a really nice afternoon.

The next weekend, Lindsey's coworkers hosted her first baby shower. Preston received some really nice gifts including the outfit mother gave him and the outfits hanging on the clothesline. The wreath on the fireplace was made out of diapers. Lindsey's coworker made it for her to hang on her door at the hospital.

A few weeks later, Hillsboro hosted Brittney's first baby shower. Logan also received lots of really nice gifts, including a pink leotard with a built-in tutu. Matthew, watch out!

All the girls love taking pictures together. It's nice being closer to family!